The benefits of having more than one bank

The benefits of having all of your banking with one bank are obvious.

Primarily, it’s easy.

* Easy to open new accounts at your existing bank

* Easy to access all your accounts from the same app or website

* Easy to stay with that bank even though others may offer better products

But here are some very good reasons why you might not want to put all your banking eggs in the one basket.

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Managing Your Finances

“Spend less than you earn” is common financial advice. There is some truth in this. After all, if you consistently spend more than you earn, you will definitely end up with financial problems!

3 steps to get your finances under control – 

* know what you are spending

* set a spending target that you can afford (budget)

* track your spending vs budget (and don’t over spend!)   

If you already have CashTracker it’s very easy.

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Managing Credit Cards

Like many things in life, credit cards in themselves are neither good nor bad – it depends how they are used. Used wisely, they can be a real asset in managing your finances. Used unwisely, well, things can quickly go from bad to worse.

My personal preference is to always fully pay off credit cards at the end of each month. This avoids interest charges. However you will need to be well organized to do this, particularly if you are on a tight budget. 

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Linking to your bank accounts?

Why doesn’t CashTracker link to your bank accounts?

This seems like such a great idea.

  • You save time because you don’t have to enter transactions
  • You can see all of your current account balances
  • It work totally automatically, you don’t have to do a thing

As good as that sounds, there are some serious drawbacks.

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What is discretionary spending?

Discretionary spending is money that you may like to spend on certain things, but you don’t have to. It differs from money spent on fixed expenses that must be paid no matter what.

Some examples of fixed expenses might be –

Rent or mortgage payments

Car payments

Utility bills

Basic food items

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The only budget that really matters

Some people, when they start thinking about managing their finances, like to start setting budgets for everything. So much for car expenses, so much for holidays, so much for utility bills.

Anticipating expenses and allocating funds towards them is always good, but many expenses are somewhat out of our control. Once you get that car repair bill, there’s not much you can do about it. Right?

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